I finally found a really great answer to the question about ETF's and Index Funds and their differences. For example, what is the difference between Vanguard ETF VNQ and Vanguard Index Fund VGSIX? The key differences being that index funds are offered by a fund management company and may require a minimum purchase and they do not trade on the open market throughout the day. ETF's are just the opposite. If you have a brokerage house, you can buy and sell them anytime you want.
Ooohh, buying and selling anytime you want. Couple that with no commissions means you could have almost as much fun as a day trader, right? That is the concern expressed in this Morningstar article. The author writes that the incentive to gain new accounts may have unintended consequences. While it is generally accepted that ETF's are a smart investing choice, providing commission free trades may entice traders to try and time the market, or trade more often than necessary, thereby reducing the good qualities of the ETF through the traders own bad behavior.
investors might be inclined to trade simply because they can, even though academic studies have proven that the lazy investor is invariably better off than the one who trades with great frequency.
What? You mean hard work does not pay off in the investing realm? Nope. The lazy investor and the lazy portfolio have been celebrated at providing what we need most when it comes to building our nest egg. Slow and simple wins the race. A lazy investor is one who sets his investments on auto pilot and forgets them, mostly. Kind of the advertising you might see from ShareBuilder.
And finally, here is a link that you can use to test out your current, or target, portfolio to see how it stacks up.
From their website,
Icarra is a powerful web-based portfolio management system that:What is your opinion of lazy investing? Is it just too boring for you? Share below in the comments.
Icarra is a free service.
- Accurately tracks your portfolio
- Calculates portfolio returns (including IRR)
- Generates flexible charts
- Allows you to find new investing ideas from other users's shared portfolios
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