In the first post I chronicled how I overcame my fear of selling a long term asset.
In the second post I explained why I chose to sell this asset at a loss.
In this third post I hope to explain what I am going to buy with all of that cash!
Below is a chart of my target allocation. How did I come up with such a complicated piece of pie? I explored several different options. I chose an allocation strategy that was heavier in stocks than bonds which reflects both my time frame and my risk level.
Compare that to my current asset allocation - and the choice became very clear where all my cash should go: Emerging Markets. And, Fidelity now offers me a great vehicle to do that in: EEM. The biggest question I have is whether I should just do a lump sum investment, or dollar cost average over the course of this year?
This pie chart is due to change dramatically this year as I continue exploring the iShares offerings and developing a strategy to exit some of my other high expense ratio mutual funds. Some of my mutual funds have an expense ratio of 1.5%. Ouch! When compared to some of the iShares ETF's that have expense ratios of only 0.20% the new path forward becomes a bit clearer.
I'll try and provide new updates as the pie charts makes big changes this year.
You may also be interested in reading:
You Can Lose Money Selling Your Investments
Selling Your Investments Means You Get to Buy New Ones
ETF's and Lazy Portfolios
Dollar Cost Averaging: An In Depth Investigation Using EEM
Alternatives to My Investing Decisions
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