“Them’s the vermin: them who take what little we can earn or make with our hands so as to promise it right back to us, expecting us to be thankful at their kind hearts; them who tempt good people to be lazy so they can rule us like they do sheep at a trough; them who took our freedom and our ways. Even a foolish old woman like me knows that lazy people don’t think for themselves; they only think about themselves. I don’t know what the world’s coming to.”
Page 87-88, paperback – Richard is talking with his bodyguards and they are explaining that they are bonded to him, by choice, and will teach him the way of being the leader of the nation. He is worried they think him more than he is and explains that he is still new at this. They respond.
“If you don’t know everything, that’s not important to us….It doesn’t matter to us if you have more steps in the journey; we won’t abandon you for it.”
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